Monday, January 26, 2009

This little cutie here is our cuddlebug "LoobieLoo"! She is sWeEt, imaganitive, creative and kind, just to name a few. Loo is almost 6 years old, will be next month as a matter of fact and is smart as a whip! She takes after her Daddy in that she loves to tear things apart just to see how they work, this can be a little trying at times, albeit, oh-so-cute! She is only 13 1/2 months younger than her sister (no...we didn't plan it that way!), but keeps up with her without a problem, she even learned to ride a bike before she did! She's our brave one, always wanting to go faster, jump higher and push harder...yet she prefers to do it all in makeup, high heals and a skirt! Loo is such a caring, generous, vivacious little girl...we couldn't ask for a better kid! We sure do LOVE her...our one-of-a-kind LobbieLoo! XOXO

1 comment:

Hilary said...

You kids are so cute!
And I love your hair :-)
Tell your hubby 'hi' for me . . . I was telling my husband the other day about High School and remembering you two!