Monday, January 19, 2009

Let's see...what can I say about our Boo? First of all, she's smart! Probably too smart for her own good cuz she thinks she's smarter than her parents! LOL She's funny, caring, compassionate and fiesty all at the same time! She's emotionally 7 going on 16, so that can be a challenge, but we get by! At least we'll be prepared for those teenage years! LOL She was born at 2 am on New Year's day and was the first baby of the year at our hospital. When she was little little and she would cry aaaallllll night long, the only thing that would calm her down was to lay her tummy down on your arm, put the Judds on and pace the floor...worked every time! She just turned 7 this year and is still convinced that the "ball dropping" and all the hooting and hollering at midnight on New Year's Eve, is all about her! She is such a smart, funny, generous, caring and determined young lady! Sometimes, I look at her and wonder where the years have gone, when did she get so big and how did we get blessed with such a wonderful kid!? LUV U BOO! xoxo

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